Fibonacci Strategy

If you are looking for a strategy that helps you manage your bets , to minimize your losses and boost your profits, because the Fibonacci strategy may be an option for you.

Get to know her below and don't forget to take her into account.

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Implementation of the Fibonacci strategy

The strategy says that we should increase our bet every time we lose a round. But, although it is clear to us that this is a negative progression, we must clarify the way in which it is carried out.

Its use is recommended only for outside bets that pay 1 to 1. Therefore, it can be used both in roulette bets, blackjack and craps.

The Fibonacci strategy is based on the famous mathematical sequence of the same name. To execute it you will have to memorize the sequence or write it down in an accessible place, and follow the following steps:

  • Remember that each number in the sequence is a unit for the bet (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597...).
  • If you manage 1 dollar as a betting unit, then you will follow the sequence with the same values, but in dollars.
  • If the initial unit varies and is 10 dollars, the next one will be 20, 30, 50 dollars and so on.

When you have chosen the amount that represents each unit of the sequence, considering your bankroll, it is time to bet:

  • Start with the lowest unit: 10 dollars. Then, depending on whether you win or lose, you will have to move forward or stay in the sequence.
  • If you lose the initial 10 dollars, move forward, in this case by betting 10 dollars again. If you win, then you get back the previous bet, but if you lose you must continue, betting in this case 20 dollars.
  • When winning, go back in the sequence by 2 squares. In the event that you win from the beginning of the sequence, keep the base bet. And if you win in the second position, go back to the beginning of the sequence.

Although the Fibonacci strategy is not the simplest, it will be very useful for playing on traders such as Midas Casino .
